Home Schooling – Why Do It?

Maryjane E. Cason

Many people look at home schoolers and wonder how and why they do it. Some people think home schooling is a hassle and think “why don’t you just send your kids to school so they can be taught by a professional?” It all depends on your world view. If you […]

Pre-Listing Home Inspections

Maryjane E. Cason

I know for a fact that you’ve worked HARD to get your home to the point where you think it is ready to sell. And you’ve undoubtedly sacrificed time away from your other hobbies to make this happen. I also realize that in this soft real estate market, the pressure […]

Home Health Care Equipment

Maryjane E. Cason

Home health care equipment makes it possible for people to be directly involved in maintaining their own health care. Medical devices, tools and technologies designed specifically for home use are becoming more and more popular because of their convenience and their user-friendly nature. Innovations in home health care equipment include […]

Coconut Fiber: Nature’s Versatile Bounty

Maryjane E. Cason

In the realm of natural fibers, coconut fiber stands as an exceptional exemplar. Derived from the husk of the coconut, it encapsulates an intricate narrative of sustainability, versatility, and resourcefulness. In this article, we shall embark on a journey through the cocooning realm of coco fiber, revealing the introduction to […]