Is Owning Rental Property, For You?

Maryjane E. Cason

For some individuals, owning, and operating, rental, real estate properties, is a great idea, while, for others, this might not be the case! The difference, not only applies, to the specific property, but, also, each individual’s personality, attitude, and personal, specific strengths and weaknesses. Some factors include, of, course, financial […]

VDC Solutions Through Offshore Companies

Maryjane E. Cason

Modern high-quality buildings require highly effective planning and execution. Virtual Design & Construction, or VDC, is an application or process which involves a plethora of digital tools of emerging technologies to help plan and effectively execute building construction. Building Virtual Design and construction represents a building graphically, while imbuing it […]

Examining Your Foundation and Choosing a Contractor

Maryjane E. Cason

Taking care of your home or business is essential for your standard of living and longevity, respectively. Foundation repair is at the heart of maintaining your home or business. Foundation repair experts will provide the following: Foundation Wall Crack Repair Basement Wall Repair Foundation Wall Straightening Bowing & Buckling Basement […]