Black Ops 3 Cheats & Hacks: 7 Things to Know

This is what you need to know about Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheats and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 hacks for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

First off, yes there are some Black Ops 3 cheats that work to give you added items in the single player game. We’ll let you know where to enter them, how to use them and what you can get.

We’ll also cover important details about Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 hacks, including what using them can do to your stats and your ability to play.

In addition we’ll cover how to skip to later rounds in Shadows of Evil and how to play two hidden modes in Black Ops 3.

Where to Enter Black Ops 3 Cheats

There is a special menu that allows users to enter Black Ops 3 cheat codes. You can access this special Black Ops 3 Cheat menu in a variety of ways, but the easiest option is to go to the single player campaign and beat the first two missions.

This is where you can enter Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheats.

This is where you can enter Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheats.

This unlocks the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Safe House, where it is easy to access this menu.

In the Safe House go to the Data Vault. Hold X to open it. Scroll up to the far left upper corner of the screen. Hold Right Trigger and then press X then Y on Xbox One. On the PS4 hold R2 then press Square then Triangle.

This will open up a small text menu that allows you to enter Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheats. On Reddit there are reports that you can open up this up in other areas, but this is where we had the most success.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Cheat Codes

At this point there are only two known Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheat codes, but there are likely more out there. When you enter a Black Ops 3 cheat into this menu, you will not hear or see confirmation that they work, so it is possible that you will not know when you enter new Black Ops 3 cheats correctly.

Here are the known Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheats.

Here are the known Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheats.

MANIFEST – This unlocks 100 Fabrication Kits in the Single Player Mode. You can only use this once and it is permanent. It will not prevent using achievements.

DREAMLAND – This unlocks Nightmare Mode — A single player zombies mode that takes place in the campaign. You normally need to beat the campaign to unlock this, but this works without beating the game.

If you discover any more codes, leave a note in the comments or email the author.

Black Ops 3 Cheats: Achievements & Trophies

You can use the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 cheats in the single player mode and the known codes do not mess with the trophies on PS4. This should also work with Achievements on Xbox One.

Black Ops 3 Level 1,000 Cheats

In December Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 added the ability to level up to 1,000 when you reach Master Prestige.

Soon after this we saw some players using hacks, tricks and exploits to reach level 1,000 in Black Ops 3 without actually putting the time in to level up the right way.

If this is you, watch out as Treyarch is going to start cracking down on this. If you are a legitimate level 1,000 in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, your numbers will soon carry more weight.

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III_20160203104500

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III_20160203104500

The latest update added the option for users to see the Combat Record of other players so you can see if the level matches up to the stats that you see.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Hacks

We’ve discovered one website offering access to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 hacks. The company promises a Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Aimbot, no recoil, no spread, auto fire, auto knife and ESP that shows where the enemy is at all times.

The website sells these for $20 for 30 days of access. It’s hard to find reviews of this service off the main website, and Treyarch warned to “Use hacks at your own risk.”, so this is something you may want to avoid.

What Happens if You Use Black Ops 3 Hacks

Using Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 hacks can result in a ban.

Using Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 hacks can result in a ban.

Treyarch and Activision can ban users for 48 hours to two weeks, or in some cases permanently ban users for unauthorized mods and hacking, pirated content, unauthorized peripherals, boosting, glitching and offensive behavior.

If you use Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 hacks, remember that you may get banned, and be wary of promises that hacks are undetectable. Here’s more on the matter from Activision.

Modded Controllers and Black Ops 3

We continue to hear a lot of questions from players about the ability to use modded controllers in Black Ops 3. There are some users who think that there is nothing preventing users from cheating with controller mods, but Treyarch and Activision are clear on this matter.

A modded controller is not a controller like the Xbox One Elite Controller or a Scuf controller. It is a controller that includes mods to remove recoil, aimbot or other hacks and cheats that offer an advantage in the game.

Activision states, “Any user who utilizes an unsupported external hardware device or application to interact with the game is subject to penalty. Unsupported peripheral devices and applications include, but are not limited to, modded controllers, IP flooders, and lag switches.”

A minor offense will earn a temporary ban and stat reset. Extreme or repeat offenses will result in a permanent ban.

Awakening Black Ops 3 DLC: 9 Things to Know Now

Skyjacked Black Ops 3 Map Video & Details

Skyjacked Black Ops 3 Map Video & Details

The Skyjacked Black Ops 3 map is one of the remakes of a popular map from earlier Call of Duty games. Skyjacked is a reimaginign of the map Hijacked from Black Ops 2. Although this is not completely new, there are many changes to the map to enable the new movement options that Black Ops 3 delivers.

In the teaser for Awakening DLC, Dan Bunting, Game Director of Multiplayer at Treyarch tells us that this is the map that he is most excited about in the first set of Black OPs 3 DLC. It is, “fast, frentic and chaotic.” according to Bunting. 

The video above shows off a preview of the Skyjacked Black Ops 3 map with multiple vantage points of the map, that show off the cover, some of the lanes and the multi-level design. 

There are many places to wallrun on Skyjacked and the preview offers a nice way to get an early look ahead of the full release and other public previews. 

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