Black and white, light and dark, happiness and sadness, matter and antimatter, everything has a negative counterpart. This is because the world is full of opposites, yin and yang. The world is ruled by equilibrium of different things. There should always be balance.
Because there should be balance, everything must have advantages and disadvantages, just like the cast iron garden bench.
1. It is rare.
Most furniture companies do not manufacture this anymore, because they rarely use cast iron now. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a good thing for those people who are into antique furniture collection. Those people like the thrill of looking for and finding rare collectibles.
2. It has a cold feel to it.
The bench is uncomfortable to sit on, since it has a cold, even lumpy, feel to it. Although there are some variations of this where the seat is made of wood and other materials, most are still made of cast iron.
3. It is heavy.
The bench is anything but lightweight. It is extremely heavy, and it is difficult to move it around. For this reason, this bench is not suitable for those people who rearrange their furniture often. They would struggle with this and aside from the rearrangement; they would also get unnecessary back pains.
1. It is long-lasting.
The cast iron bench has a light finish that allows it to be places outside all year long. It can withstand harsh conditions like the heat of the sun, rain, snow, hail and mist. This is because it is made of strong and durable materials.
2. It is attractive.
It can be utilized as the perfect accent to your garden or home. Cast iron can easily be soldered and molded to any design, so there are a lot of designs available on the market. It also gives off a feeling of calmness, so it is the perfect place to relax and meditate in.
3. It is versatile.
The cast iron garden bench can be used in a lot of places and can fill in a lot of functions. It can be used as general seating, day beds and picnic seating.
4. It is inexpensive.
Need I say more?
5. It is easy to clean and maintain.
The cleaning of the cast iron bench would only require materials that can be found at home. The maintenance is convenient as well. Unlike other types that would require polishing, this bench only needs to be painted once in a while.