Here are some announcements about upcoming events and other things happening in the Verde Valley.
Independence Day Celebration in Beaver Creek – July 5
On Monday, July 5, The Beaver Creek Parade, led by Camp Verde Pose 93 American Legion Riders, will leave the Sycamore Park area in Lake Montezuma at 9 AM and travel south on Montezuma Avenue past the Rollins Park Village Square. Montezuma Avenue in this section will be closed to other traffic from about 9 until 9:30 AM.
This year the Grand Marshall will be Wyona Jaffe. Parade entrants are required to register. There is no entry fee. Registration sheets are available at the Copper Canyon Fire & Medical Station 82 in Rimrock, The Adult Center on Zuni Way in Lake Montezuma or the Kiwanis Closet at 3095 Beaver Creek Road. We welcome all who wish to enter.
The festivities will open at 8 a.m. with beverages and snacks at Rollins Park. Following the parade there will be a flag raising ceremony by Camp Verde Post 93 followed the National Anthem by the Worden family. Music will be provided by Kaleidoscope Redrocks, a young singing duo.
Free hot dogs and refreshments (juice, chips, snacks, ice cream, lemonade, etc.) provided by community organizations. Local vendors and organizations are welcome to have a table (Contact Carol Keeton – 928 606 4050 or [email protected] to register.) Games, face painting and prizes. Ribbons will be awarded for parade winners.
Sedona to hold free July 4 swim
SEDONA – Come celebrate Fourth of July at the Sedona Community Pool from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a free 1.5-hour session of recreation swim. Listen to some tunes brought to you by DJ Dom with Downtown Brown Productions, savor a tasty treat from the Merkin Gelato Wagon and enjoy organized activities with the lifeguards.
To participate, reserve your 1.5-hour time slot starting at 11 a.m., 12:45 p.m. or 2:30 p.m. to take a free dip in the Sedona Community Pool. Pre-registration online is required. Registration opens June 28, 2021. Sedona Community Pool COVID-19 safety precautions will be observed. For registration and COVID-19 safety precaution details please visit The pool is located at 570 Posse Ground Road in Sedona.
Thanks to APS, for their support of this community event.
For more detailed information or to view other city of Sedona Parks and Recreation Department offerings, please visit our website at
July 4 business decoration contest
Businesses and business organizations of the Verde Valley, show your pride in your community by decorating for the Fourth of July. Prizes will be awarded for the municipality with the highest percentage of participants and the business that shows the most patriotism as voted on by the Donald C. Thompson American Legion Post 135 Family Board of Officers.
Cost is $10 per business to participate.
All proceeds go to the Donald C. Thompson American Legion Post 135 Building Fund. This event is hosted by the Women of the Moose. Please contact Dianna Ortiz, 928) 254-8343, with any questions or instructions to sign up.
Children’s fun book event in Camp Verde
Celebrate the end of summer with a Book Alive Presentation. This free-of-charge event is for all children ages 3-7.
It’s an interactive presentation of a local author’s book, “My First Day of School.” Karna Peck’s book teaches to be more aware of other children who are less fortunate.
Children will be invited to get on the bus and join in the fun. Be sure to bring your camera–because the props are amazing and the photos will be timeless. The event will be directed by Sheri Hauser.
Book presented live on stage
Camp Verde Children’s Library, Camp Verde Parks & Recreation and Glorybound Kids is joining to present a Children’s book live on stage at the Town of Camp Verde gym, 395 S. Main St., Camp Verde, 10 a.m., Wednesday, July 20.
For more information, contact the Camp Verde Community Library 928-554-8380 or email [email protected].
Community Build Day scheduled for July 31
COTTONWOOD — The City of Cottonwood Parks & Recreation Department is thrilled to announce that the future playground at Cottonwood Kids Park will be completed with a Community Build Day on July 31.
After completion of the Pick Your Park Campaign, the community voted and selected the playground design and colors they wanted. Now, the Parks & Recreation Department are once again inviting the public to join in the final efforts of constructing the new playground.
Members of the public are encouraged to participate in the Community Build Day where they can take part in completing many “finishing touches” on the playground. Those interested in participating will need to attend a volunteer preparation meeting prior to the build on July 28 at 5:30 p.m. in the Cottonwood Recreation Center.
For more information, please contact the Jak Teel, Parks & Recreation Manager, at 928-639-3200 ext. 3208.
Gubernatorial candidate in Camp Verde on Wednesday
Kari Lake, candidate for Governor of Arizona, is visiting Conservatives For A Constitutional Republic on Wednesday, June 30. The event is from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at VFW Post 6739, 77 W State Route 260, Camp Verde. It’s Lake’s first visit to the Verde Valley. However, due to space availability, it is necessary for those who want to join to send an email to [email protected]. You will receive confirmation. Only those with confirmation will be allowed in.
Archaeology Center Host Virtual Benefit for New Building
The Verde Valley Archaeology Center has moved forward with the purchase of the former Verde Valley Medical Center clinic building at 460 Finnie Flat Rd, Camp Verde, in the Verde Village shopping area. The 1.2-acre property includes the building plus parking for 50 cars. Closing is expected by the end of July.
While the VVAC will be able to purchase the building with minimal debt, renovations of the former medical center, with its many small examining rooms, will be expensive. To assist with these expenses, the VVAC is holding a Virtual Benefit from Friday, June 25 through Sunday, June 27. The benefit will have a traditional silent auction of many fine donated items from pottery, to jewelry, to Air B&B stays. In addition, donations can be made to support a variety of museum exhibits, building spaces, and even bricks for a Donor’s Patio.
Additional information on the virtual benefit and the Center’s building plans can be found on the Center’s website at A free descriptive brochure on the new facility is available to download that includes various donation and naming options to help the VVAC move into the new space.
The Verde Valley Archaeology Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization and is the only organization in the Verde Valley region dedicated to the care, management and curation of archaeological sites and artifacts found throughout the Sedona/Verde Valley region. The VVAC is the official nonprofit partner of the National Park Service for Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot national monuments. The museum has reopened on Tuesdays through Saturdays, from 10 am to 2 pm. However, the museum will close at its current location toward the end of summer while the museum displays and curated artifacts are relocated to their new home.
For additional information contact:
Ken Zoll, 928-593-0364, [email protected]
Farewell celebration for Clarkdale town manager
The Clarkdale Town Council and Staff will be hosting a farewell celebration to honor Town Manager Tracie Hlavinka’s service to Clarkdale. It will take place Thursday, July 1, 2021 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Clark Memorial Clubhouse, 19 N. Ninth Street, Clarkdale AZ. Light refreshments will be served.
Mingus Mountain Republican Club luncheon July 13
People aligned with any political ideology are invited to the Mingus Mountain Republican Club Luncheon on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 11:00 am at the (VFW) Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #7400, 705 E. Aspen St., Cottonwood.
Speaker: Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President. Fann will discuss politics in Arizona. Fann is a Republican member of the Arizona Senate, representing Arizona Legislative District 1. Fann became President of the Arizona Senate in 2019.
Senator Fann was first elected in November of 2016 to represent Legislative District 1, which covers 8,000 square miles throughout Yavapai County and portions of Maricopa County. She previously served this district from 2011 to 2016 as a State Representative. In 2017-2018 she served as Arizona Senate Vice-Chair, Finance and Transportation Committees. Karen is also, a Member of the Agriculture, Water Committees.
Luncheon information:
Doors open at 10:45 a.m., Lunch served at 11, meeting/programs begin at 11:30. Lunch includes entree, salad, dessert, coffee or iced tea. Lunch $12. No lunch charge is $5 venue fee, Sodas are $1 extra. Please RSVP by email before Friday July 9, to, [email protected] or call Carol at 928-295-8769.
Tails and Tales summer reading program
Clark Memorial Library is hosting a Library Night to celebrate its “Tails and Tales” Summer Reading Program on Friday, June 18, 2021, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Gazebo Park, downtown Clarkdale. Join in the fun and start the evening with library activities, crafts, animals from the Verde Valley Humane Society and more! Followed by music provided by Dave Rentz.
To sign up or to learn more about the Summer Reading Program, stop in or call the library at 928-634-5423 during regular library hours, Monday-Thursday, 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to Noon or visit Clark Memorial Library is located at 39 N. Ninth St. in the Clarkdale Town Center.
Public input on Homeless Coalition building grant
The Verde Valley Homeless Coalition has applied to USDA Rural Development for funding assistance for the development of a full-time emergency shelter.
The plan, as discussed at a meeting earlier this year, calls for using an existing, high-quality four-bedroom manufactured home — equipped with a sprinkler system — which is located behind the garage at 660 N. Main Street. This home would be used for transitional housing. There would also be a newly built six-bedroom transitional housing building.
A public meeting will be held Monday, June 28, 5:30 p.m. at 654 N. Main, Cottonwood, to discuss the specific elements of the application and to give the residents in the local area an opportunity to become informed with the proposed project.
Residents may provide comments on such items as economic and environmental issues that may impact the area or discuss any alternative to the proposed project.
Questions about the project can be phoned in to Carol Quasula at 928-300-3547.
Concert at Immaculate Conception
Composer, pianist, and inspirational speaker Eric Genuis will be accompanied by a world-class violinist, cellist, and vocalist when he performs at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on Sunday, June 27.
The 3 p.m. “Concert for Hope” will take place at the church located at 700 N. Bill Gray Road, Cottonwood.
“Concerts for Hope” takes Carnegie Hall-type performances into prisons, VA hospitals, homeless shelters and inner-city schools. The reaction to his music is most often spoken of as hope, especially by men and women who are in maximum-security prisons.
Monthly food boxes available for Verde Valley seniors
Manzanita Outreach has expanded its Commodity Supplemental Food Program, also known as the Senior Food Box Program.
The food boxes contain canned items such as fruit, vegetables, meat or fish, bottled juice, shelf stable milk, cheese, pasta or rice, dry beans or peanut butter and cereal. The retail value of each package is approximately $50.
Qualified Verde Valley seniors (age 60 and older who meet a monthly income requirement) may register and receive their monthly box at a drive-through at the Verde Valley Christian Church in Cottonwood. The organization also offers home delivery to homebound seniors in the Cottonwood area.
For more information or to sign up for the program, contact Manzanita Outreach’s CSFP Coordinator Donna Newcomb at 623-694-4796.
Manzanita Outreach is a 501(c) (3) organization. Donations made to the organization qualify for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. For more information on the organization or to volunteer or donate, go to
Cottonwood seeks volunteer for Victim Assistance Program
Under general supervision, this position supplements and enhances the activities of the Victim Assistance program, and ensures victims of crimes are aware of support and assistance series available to them; and performs related duties as assigned. This position will work out of the Victim Services office in the Cottonwood Municipal Court.
Volunteers must have the ability to pass an in-depth departmental background check including a certified polygraph test, must possess a high school diploma or equivalent, must possess a valid AZ driver’s license; and experience in victim assistance or advocacy is preferred but not necessary.
If you are interested in serving your community in this capacity, please consider volunteering. Further details and application instructions are available at the Human Resources office, 821 N. Main St., by calling 928-340-2713, or online at
Writing Bootcamp: how to write pop fiction
Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Ender’s Game — what do they all have in common? They’re hugely popular. If you think you have it in you to create that kind of must-read book about adventure and intrigue, join us for a two-week trip into the imagination.
Students will come away with a firm PLAN to get their novel idea completed: learn how to outline, how to schedule and prioritize writing, and even get your book in front of agents and publishers.
This class is offered through Yavapai College and Camp Verde Community Library for grades 6-9 at the library starting Tuesday, July 6, 2-4 p.m. The class continues at the same time and location on Thursday, July 8th, Tuesday, July 13th and Thursday, July 15th. All supplies provided! Cost is $50.
About Your Instructor: Zachary (Zack) Jernigan is a science fiction and fantasy author from Arizona. He has sold numerous short stories and three novels, the most recent of which will be available next February. He teaches as a creative writing instructor at Yavapai College, where he also manages the Verde Community Education program. Contact him at 928-634-6537 or [email protected].
Camp Verde Community Library is located just off of Montezuma Castle Highway at 130 Black Bridge Road, Camp Verde AZ. For more information about this or any other library program, visit the library’s website at or call 928-554-8380.
Camp Verde Corn Fest July 17
Corn Fest is back for 2021 on Saturday, July 17 in downtown Camp Verde.
Enjoy this one-day event featuring fresh roasted Hauser & Hauser corn in a street fair type setting.
Lots of other good eats with food trucks and live musical entertainment plus vendors with all types of products for sale.
Gates open at 11 a.m. with free admission and the fun continues until 8 p.m. After missing last year due to COVID-19, the event will return for its 27th year to celebrate Camp Verde agriculture and hometown fun.
Fresh local corn for purchase to benefit a local non-profit and take home will also be available.
There is still outside vendor space available through
The Community Gym will offer inside vendor space, as well as tables and chairs for attendees to rest out of the sun.
Local community groups are encouraged to become vendors to promote and support their organizations. Interested non-profits should contact Parks & Rec at [email protected] or 928-554-0820, option 3.
Outside and limited inside vendor space is still available and can be done through the website.
This event will include the Verde Valley Ranger’s beer garden and a co-located kick boxing event in the evening.
The kick boxing event will have an admission charge and returns after a successful premier in 2019. Volunteers are also being recruited to help with set-up and tear down as well as gate keepers.
Community involvement and participation is key to this event remaining vital and alive.
Contact Camp Verde Parks & Recreation at [email protected] or 928-554-0820, option 3 to volunteer, more information or vendor application.
Yavapai Silent Witness open golf tournament Sept. 11
After a very unwelcomed COVID-19 caused hiatus, Yavapai Silent Witness is revving up to put on its best golf tournament yet.
Saturday, Sept. 11, golfers of every walk of life are invited to come out and enjoy the links and an exhilarating round of golf at the Antelope Hills Golf Course in Prescott while supporting a great cause.
This year marks the 40th anniversary for Yavapai Silent Witness. This year the event falls on Sept. 11. Yavapai Silent Witness will honor first responders and many others who made the ultimate sacrifice on that day with a special opening ceremony.
Events like this golf tournament have been instrumental in allowing us to continue to bring the community and the media together, with law enforcement to team up against felons and bring them to justice.
Funds generated from this event not only pay for our day-to-day operations, but more importantly, allow us to pay generous cash rewards to our anonymous tipsters.
Since its inception, Yavapai Silent Witness has helped bring 3,820 felons to justice, paid $551,375 in rewards, recovered over $1.9 million in property, and seized over $15 million in illegal drugs.
So come out to enjoy a day of golf, win prizes, and support an important cause. Even if you don’t want to golf, you are welcome to come out and honor some of the very important heroes in our nation’s history at the opening ceremony.
To register, visit
Send all registration forms and tournament fees to Yavapai Silent Witness, P.O. Box 2524, Prescott, AZ 86302.
Also visit for updates.
Quick start marketing, selling concepts
Join the Yavapai College Small Business Development Center on June 29 for “Quick Start Marketing and Selling Concepts.”
In today’s digital world, business owners need to create consistent and attractive content for a strong online presence.
While we aren’t all graphic designers and digital artists, there are tools that can help us strengthen our brand and tell a better story for our business.
Join Jeri Denniston and Ruth Ellen Elinski for an interactive session on the digital design tool Canva.
Create designs while learning the tips and tricks to using this easy and effective online resource.
Learn how to use Canva’s templates and design tools; Create brand-specific digital designs using your own photographs, logo, and color palate; create consistent messages across all platforms; design appealing digital media posts in line with your brand and industry.
Register online at
Sedona Car Show
The Sedona Car Club’s 38th annual Car Show is scheduled for 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2 at the Sedona Airport.
This year’s show will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the E Type Jaguar.
Check-in time for cars entered in the show is from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. Entry forms can be found on the car club website at
Registration fees for Classes A-L are $25, non-judged display (all years) is $20; replicas, kit cars, homebuilts, etc. will be welcome in the Display Class.
Trophies will be awarded for first place and second place, Presidents’ Choice, Best of Show, and Mayor’s Choice.
Entries are limited to the first 110 cars. Mail registration forms to Sedona Car Club, 160 Rojo Vista Court, Sedona, AZ 86351.
Entries must be postmarked by Saturday, Sept. 18.
Questions can be directed to the car show committee at [email protected] or to David Lombardi, club president, at 928-300-4248.
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