Virtual Vs Actual Home Staging

Maryjane E. Cason

More often than not, a home is a person’s single largest financial investment. As such, it is critical to find the best marketing strategies when selling a home. Staging is an important part of a real estate marketing plan, and should be considered in order to sell the home faster […]

Keeping Masonry Repairs at a Minimum

Maryjane E. Cason

Having a brick house or chimney is thought by many to be a sure way to avoid doing exterior home maintenance. After all, brick lasts for decades – right? Well, while brick may last for years it is not totally maintenance free, not does brick mean never needing to call […]

Backyard Pool Remodeling

Maryjane E. Cason

Remodeling your swimming pool can make a dramatic difference to the look and feel of your home and yard. There are lots of ways to renovate, remodel and re-create your backyard swimming pool, from simple additions to a more elaborate remodeling project. You can add a spa or color-changing lighting, […]